Lazy Execution

With lazy execution, you can optimize access to external services (such as databases) by making batched calls. Building a lazy loader has three steps:

Example: Batched Find

Here’s a way to find many objects by ID using one database call, preventing N+1 queries.

  1. Lazy-loading class which finds models by ID.
class LazyFindPerson
  def initialize(query_ctx, person_id)
    @person_id = person_id
    # Initialize the loading state for this query,
    # or get the previously-initiated state
    @lazy_state = query_ctx[:lazy_find_person] ||= {
      loaded_ids: {},
    # Register this ID to be loaded later:
    @lazy_state[:pending_ids] << person_id

  # Return the loaded record, hitting the database if needed
  def person
    # Check if the record was already loaded:
    loaded_record = @lazy_state[:loaded_ids][@person_id]
    if loaded_record
      # The pending IDs were already loaded,
      # so return the result of that previous load
      # The record hasn't been loaded yet, so
      # hit the database with all pending IDs
      pending_ids = @lazy_state[:pending_ids].to_a
      people = Person.where(id: pending_ids)
      people.each { |person| @lazy_state[:loaded_ids][] = person }
      # Now, get the matching person from the loaded result:
  1. Connect the lazy resolve method
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  # ...
  lazy_resolve(LazyFindPerson, :person)
  1. Return lazy objects from resolve
field :author, PersonType, null: true

def author, object.author_id)

Now, calls to author will use batched database access. For example, this query:

  p1: post(id: 1) { author { name } }
  p2: post(id: 2) { author { name } }
  p3: post(id: 3) { author { name } }

Will only make one query to load the author values.

Gems for batching

The example above is simple and has some shortcomings. Consider the following gems for a robust solution to batched resolution: