Executing Queries

You can execute queries with your GraphQL::Schema and get a Ruby Hash as a result. For example, to execute a query from a string:

query_string = "{ ... }"
# {
#   "data" => { ... }
# }

Or, you can execute multiple queries at once:

  {query: query_string_1},
  {query: query_string_2},
  {query: query_string_3},
# [
#   { "data" => { ... } },
#   { "data" => { ... } },
#   { "data" => { ... } },
# ]

There are also several options you can use:

Some of these options are described in more detail below, see GraphQL::Query#initialize for more information.


GraphQL provides query variables as a way to parameterize query strings. If your query string contains variables, you can provide values in a hash of { String => value } pairs. The keys should not contain "$".

For example, to provide variables to a query:

query_string = "
  query getPost($postId: ID!) {
    post(id: $postId) {

variables = { "postId" => "1" }

MySchema.execute(query_string, variables: variables)

If the variable is a GraphQL::InputObjectType, you can provide a nested hash, for example:

query_string = "
mutation createPost($postParams: PostInput!, $createdById: ID!){
  createPost(params: $postParams, createdById: $createdById) {
    createdBy { name }

variables = {
  "postParams" => {
    "title" => "...",
    "body" => "..."
  "createdById" => "5",

MySchema.execute(query_string, variables: variables)


You can provide application-specific values to GraphQL as context:. This is available in many places:

Common uses for context: include the current user or auth token. To provide a context: value, pass a hash to Schema#execute:

context = {
  current_user: session[:current_user],
  current_organization: session[:current_organization],

MySchema.execute(query_string, context: context)

Then, you can access those values during execution:

field :post, Post, null: true do
  argument :id, ID, required: true

def post(id:)
  context[:current_user] # => #<User id=123 ... >
  # ...

Note that context is not the hash that you passed it. It’s an instance of GraphQL::Query::Context, but it delegates #[], #[]=, and a few other methods to the hash you provide.

Root Value

You can provide a root object value with root_value:. For example, to base the query off of the current organization:

current_org = session[:current_organization]
MySchema.execute(query_string, root_value: current_org)

That value will be provided to root-level fields, such as mutation fields. For example:

class Types::MutationType < GraphQL::Schema::Object
  field :create_post, Post, null: true

  def create_post(**args)
    object # => #<Organization id=456 ...>
    # ...

GraphQL::Relay::Mutation fields will also receive root_value: as obj (assuming they’re attached directly to your MutationType).