Complexity & Depth

Prevent complex queries

Fields have a “complexity” value which can be configured in their definition. It can be a constant (numeric) value, or a proc. If no complexity is defined for a field, it will default to a value of 1. It can be defined as a keyword or inside the configuration block. For example:

# Constant complexity:
field :top_score, Integer, null: false, complexity: 10

# Dynamic complexity:
field :top_scorers, [PlayerType], null: false do
  argument :limit, Integer, limit: false, default_value: 5
  complexity ->(ctx, args, child_complexity) {
    if ctx[:current_user].staff?
      # no limit for staff users
      # `child_complexity` is the value for selections
      # which were made on the items of this list.
      # We don't know how many items will be fetched because
      # we haven't run the query yet, but we can estimate by
      # using the `limit` argument which we defined above.
      args[:limit] * child_complexity

Then, define your max_complexity at the schema-level:

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
 # ...
 max_complexity 100

Or, at the query-level, which overrides the schema-level setting:

MySchema.execute(query_string, max_complexity: 100)

Using nil will disable the validation:

# 😧 Anything goes!
MySchema.execute(query_string, max_complexity: nil)

To get a feeling for complexity of queries in your system, you can use the QueryComplexity query reducer. Hook it up to log out values from each query:

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  log_query_complexity = { |query, complexity|"[GraphQL Query Complexity] #{complexity}  | staff? #{query.context[:current_user].staff?}")}

Prevent deeply-nested queries

You can also reject queries based on the depth of their nesting. You can define max_depth at schema-level or query-level:

# Schema-level:
class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  # ...
  max_depth 10

# Query-level, which overrides the schema-level setting:
MySchema.execute(query_string, max_depth: 10)

You can use nil to disable the validation:

# This query won't be validated:
MySchema.execute(query_string, max_depth: nil)

To get a feeling for depth of queries in your system, you can use the QueryDepth query reducer. Hook it up to log out values from each query:

class MySchema < GraphQL::Schema
  log_query_depth = { |query, depth|"[GraphQL Query Depth] #{depth} || staff?  #{query.context[:current_user].staff?}")}