⚡️ Pro Feature ⚡️ This feature is bundled with GraphQL-Pro.
GraphQL-Pro includes a web dashboard for monitoring Operation Store%20and%20%20%5Bsubscriptions%5D(/subscriptions/pusher_implementation).
To hook up the Dashboard, add it to routes.rb
# config/routes.rb
# Include GraphQL::Pro's routing extensions:
using GraphQL::Pro::Routes
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
# Add the GraphQL::Pro Dashboard
# TODO: authorize, see below
mount MySchema.dashboard, at: "/graphql/dashboard"
With this configuration, it will be available at /graphql/dashboard
The dashboard is a Rack app, so you can mount it in Sinatra or any other Rack app.
You should only allow admin users to see /graphql/dashboard
because it allows viewers to delete stored operations.
Use Rails routing constraints to restrict access to authorized users, for example:
# Check the secure session for a staff flag:
STAFF_ONLY = ->(request) { request.session["staff"] == true }
# Only serve the GraphQL Dashboard to staff users:
constraints(STAFF_ONLY) do
mount MySchema.dashboard, at: "/graphql/dashboard"
Insert the Rack::Auth::Basic
middleware, before the web view. This prompts for a username and password when visiting the dashboard.
graphql_dashboard = Rack::Builder.new do
use(Rack::Auth::Basic) do |username, password|
username == ENV.fetch("GRAPHQL_USERNAME") && password == ENV.fetch("GRAPHQL_PASSWORD")
run MySchema.dashboard
mount graphql_dashboard, at: "/graphql/dashboard"