OperationStore Sync

JavaScript support for GraphQL projects using graphql-pro’s OperationStore for persisted queries.

See the OperationStore guide for server-side setup.

sync utility

This package contains a command line utility, graphql-ruby-client sync:

$ graphql-ruby-client sync # ...
Authorizing with HMAC
Syncing 4 operations to http://myapp.com/graphql/operations...
  3 added
  1 not modified
  0 failed
Generating client module in app/javascript/graphql/OperationStoreClient.js...
✓ Done!

sync Takes several options:

option description
--url Sync API url
--path Local directory to search for .graphql / .graphql.js files
--relay-persisted-output Path to a .json file from relay-compiler ... --persist-output
--client Client ID (created on server)
--secret Client Secret (created on server)
--outfile Destination for generated code
--outfile-type What kind of code to generate (js or json)
--add-typename Add __typename to all selection sets (for use with Apollo Client)
--verbose Output some debug information

You can see these and a few others with graphql-ruby-client sync --help.

Use with Relay <2

graphql-ruby-client can persist queries from relay-compiler using the embedded @relayHash value. (This was created in Relay before 2.0.0. See below for Relay 2.0+.)

To sync your queries with the server, use the --path option to point to your __generated__ directory, for example:

# sync a Relay project
$ graphql-ruby-client sync --path=src/__generated__  --outfile=src/OperationStoreClient.js --url=...

Then, the generated code may be integrated with Relay’s Network Layer:

// ...
// require the generated module:
const OperationStoreClient = require('./OperationStoreClient')

// ...
function fetchQuery(operation, variables, cacheConfig, uploadables) {
  const requestParams = {
    operationName: operation.name,

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production")
    // In production, use the stored operation
    requestParams.operationId = OperationStoreClient.getOperationId(operation.name)
  } else {
    // In development, use the query text
    requestParams.query = operation.text,

  return fetch('/graphql', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { /*...*/ },
    body: JSON.stringify(requestParams),

// ...

(Only Relay Modern is supported. Legacy Relay can’t generate static queries.)

Use With Relay Persisted Output

Relay 2.0+ includes a --persist-output option for relay-compiler which works perfectly with GraphQL-Ruby. (Relay’s own docs, for reference: https://relay.dev/docs/en/persisted-queries.)

When generating queries for Relay, include --persist-output:

$ relay-compiler ... --persist-output path/to/persisted-queries.json

Then, push Relay’s generated queries to your OperationStore server with --relay-persisted-output:

$ graphql-ruby-client sync --relay-persisted-output=path/to/persisted-queries.json --url=...

In this case, sync won’t generate a JavaScript module because relay-compiler has already prepared its queries for persisted use. Instead, update your network layer to include the client name and operation id in the HTTP params:

const operationStoreClientName = "MyRelayApp";

function fetchQuery(operation, variables,) {
  return fetch('/graphql', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({
      // Pass the client name and the operation ID, joined by `/`
      documentId: operationStoreClientName + "/" + operation.id,
      // query: operation.text, // this is now obsolete because text is null
  }).then(response => {
    return response.json();

(Inspired by https://relay.dev/docs/en/persisted-queries#network-layer-changes.)

Now, your Relay app will only send operation IDs over the wire to the server.

Use with Apollo Client

Use the --path option to point at your .graphql files:

$ graphql-ruby-client sync --path=src/graphql/ --url=...

Then, load the generated module and add its .apolloMiddleware to your network interface with .use([...]):

// load the generated module
var OperationStoreClient = require("./OperationStoreClient")

// attach it as middleware in production
// (in development, send queries to the server as normal)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {

Now, the middleware will replace query strings with operationIds.

Use the --path option to point at your .graphql files:

$ graphql-ruby-client sync --path=src/graphql/ --url=...

Then, load the generated module and add its .apolloLink to your Apollo Link:

// load the generated module
var OperationStoreClient = require("./OperationStoreClient")

// Integrate the link to another link:
const link = ApolloLink.from([

// Create a client
const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: link,
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

Update the controller: Apollo Link supports extra parameters nested as params[:extensions][:operationId], so update your controller to add that param to context:

# app/controllers/graphql_controller.rb
context = {
  # ...
  # Support Apollo Link:
  operation_id: params[:extensions][:operationId]

Now, context[:operation_id] will be used to fetch a query from the database.

Use with plain JavaScript

OperationStoreClient.getOperationId takes an operation name as input and returns the server-side alias for that operation:

var OperationStoreClient = require("./OperationStoreClient")

OperationStoreClient.getOperationId("AppHomeQuery")       // => "my-frontend-app/7a8078c7555e20744cb1ff5a62e44aa92c6e0f02554868a15b8a1cbf2e776b6f"
OperationStoreClient.getOperationId("ProductDetailQuery") // => "my-frontend-app/6726a3b816e99b9971a1d25a1205ca81ecadc6eb1d5dd3a71028c4b01cc254c1"

Post the operationId in your GraphQL requests:

// Lookup the operation name:
var operationId = OperationStoreClient.getOperationId(operationName)

// Include it in the params:
$.post("/graphql", {
  operationId: operationId,
  variables: queryVariables,
}, function(response) {
  // ...


OperationStore uses HMAC-SHA256 to authenticate requests.

Pass the key to graphql-ruby-client sync as --secret to authenticate it:

$ export MY_SECRET_KEY= "abcdefg..."
$ graphql-ruby-client sync ... --secret=$MY_SECRET_KEY
# ...
Authenticating with HMAC
# ...